Windows X98P is integrating...
In order to suit our visitor's needs, a new Windows X98P site is being constructed. During the update, you may experience sudden cut off of web site due to server rearrangements. Just click "Refresh" and continue browsing. The new Windows X98P V3.0 will combine the new News section together with a new Forum. It is scheduled to finish in June. From now to June, therfore, there will be no further updates on Windows X98P V2.5.
I have never made any money out
of KEONI Sites and will continue to do so. However, for technical needs, KEONI
Sites is now requiring funds. In order to maintain our balance, the new Windows
X98P will need to advertise. The advertising will be very cheap, probably
around USD$5/GBP£4 a month, for more details, please contact
me by clicking here.